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North Port Boat Owner's Association

Reel Loco

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Well, North Port, Florida is at it again. City Hall has given direction to the code enforcement division to start warring on boat owners for having a boat in their driveway. So, today I created the North Port Boat Owners Association specifically to have the code changed to allow for a boat in the driveway. Currently the following are legal to park in the driveway : (2)Recreational trailers or travel trailers, any type of trailer (under 2500#) opened or closed, open bed truck (flatbed), + four trucks or cars for a total of six vehicles. And the flatbed or trailer may contain trash or debris as long as I throw a tarp over it. Yet I can't legally park my 18' Hewes flats boat in my drive. It has to go on the side or rear which violates all of the setback regulations on my property. Oh. and BTW I have to hide it with 80% opacity to boot. Beginning to sound a bit slanted against boat owners in North Port? If you are a North Port resident and are tired of running under the radar please join us to get the ULDC changed to be fair to us. If you haven't received a notice of violation be patient as code enforcement will eventually hit your street(sorry, being sarcastic). E-mail address is INFO-NPBOA@comcast.net  Please include a number you can be reached at especially if you don't check your e-mail often. Things I have in mind for the future are mass attendance at commission meetings, boat rallies, petitions, and vetting of commission candidates as three of five commission seats are up for grabs this year, facebook and web page.  I'm contemplating calling this campaign "Save Our Boats". The tee shirt  (to wear at commission mtgs) would say "Support Your SOB's". Let me know what you think, any help or suggestions would be truly appreciated .PS:  For short the Association will be called "BOA".






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1 hour ago, hurricane said:

So a junky old camper and trailer full of old grass and dirt, is cool. But a nice clean shinny boat, no way.... I'm totally offend by this policy, it is racist an intolerant of the those who own boats.

that is a crock of -------.!!!!!! has anyone explained why boats are being singled out. have neighborhood boat owners get together and buy a couple of the oldest, nastiest travel trailer to be found and place them in driveways of boat owners where there is a lot of visibility and traffic. if possible on same streets where commissioners live. jmo my friend.>:(}:| 

Gary, if your looking for donations to help fight this cause, let me know. fin:) 


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The North Port Boat Owners Association had a great day yesterday. We went from eight members to 30 members. We are getting the attention of the politicians & we are fanning out across North Port with petitions. Any help is appreciated (especially having our petition signed). I will keep the forum updated.

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Be sure to check out this weeks edition of the WaterLine Magazine publisher's desk article entitled "No Parking".  I don't believe it's available online, but is available @ local bait & tackle stores in the North Port, Port Charlotte, & Punta Gorda areas. Everyone is invited to our meeting of the North Port Boat Owner's Association Monday evening June 13, 7pm @ the Olde World Restaurant/ Sherwood Forrest Rm. Please come sign our petition if you are a resident of North Port:)

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