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1990 Hewes Bonefisher 19'


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New user here,

stumbled upon this forum at the perfect time because I just got a 1990 hewes Bonefisher with a Yamaha 90 ETLF and I'm excited about getting ready to take out! As old as it is, I want to replace the fuel lines from the tank and remove any old fuel and debris in the tank first. I'm curious to find the easiest and most efficient way to do so. I will upload pictures tomorrow after work (Colin made it impossible to work on today) I look forwarded to learning from you all and giving advice when and where I can! Thanks!

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Fuel line are easy should be able to access it in back of boat and the other end at tank.  Pull new line with the old, or a string to pull the new.  

Pas far as pumping out tank, there is a good recent thread on a system someone built, but with the the size of threat tank, prob just pump it out and dispose of it.  Not real sure on debris on bottom of tank, need to know myself

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I don't know if your tank is exposed like my "89" is where you can remove it quite easily. If it is remove it after getting rid of the old fuel and then just put some acetone in the tank and swish it around and dump it and allow the residue to evaporate. This will also allow you to put some rubber under the tank mounting tabs and raise it a bit to prevent debri from building up under the tank that could lead to corrosion issues. I painted my tank when I had it out to help prevent any corrosion.

Next time post in the Hewes section of the forum for anything related to your new sled. Oh and by the way congradulations on your new to you ride.

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