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Yamaha 90 T/T issue


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I have a Yamaha 90 and the trim and tilt system seems to be frozen. I recently changed the dust seals on the trim cyclinders because they were leaking fluid. The trim and tilt will still not function even thought the fluid level shows full. When I hit the switch I can hear the t/t motor running so I'm pretty sure it's not an electrical issue at this point, thinking it may have something to do with the hydraulic pump. Any suggestions on what I can try next? 

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Have you tried to let the motor down and then lift it up with the pressure relief screw on the side? I replaced the seals on my old 90 many years ago and I wanna say I had to cycle it manually like this a few times to bleed the system first. Then it could run on its own and bleed it self. But I can't be sure this was a long time ago. 

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Agree, especially if it hasn't worked at all since changing the seals and fluid.  On side of motor is manual release.  Use a flathead screwdriver to release pressure and pick up and down a few times.  You should hear air purging.  I remember having to do mine a dozen or so times, then you can get rest of air out by cycling it like normal.  

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