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Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman

Nag Juice

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Has anyone seen this? It's largely stacked in the commercial fisherman's favor and takes slight jabs at recreational anglers and the CCA. I've been on both sides of this issue with work, family and friends. I've been on Bandit Boats checking fish and the actual fisherman hates the idea of catch shares bc it's puts the money in the Fish House's pocket. According to them the fish houses are the ones who will own all the catch shares. The Recreational Fisherman say the commercial guys are killing everything and the commercial fishermen who support catch shares seem to be on a mission to control a diminishing livelihood. From what I just saw on this show it's about control. They want to have or the government to have way more control over the fisheries. Commercial fishing is the most heavily regulated industry out there and the recreational fishing isn't. (According to the commercial fishermen) 


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Just watched the show this morning. The usual players from the Gulf comm sector. Guindon, Spaeth, Jarvis and the other seal lords that were gifted large portions of RS IFQ. You can well bet they are gonna fight for the millions of dollars gifted them. They were given free of charge a natural resource.

They own it and want to keep it that way.

The show itself is the same old dog and pony show with Dr. Crabtree watching with that smirk on his face. Makes me ill.

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