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Lowcountry Joe

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Had that as well. Be careful with the kill stuff. Rats love to hide in the bilge and die. They also love to chew on the wiring in the bilge. I did a couple of spring type (old style for rats) rat traps in the cockpit and got one a night for 4 straight nights. No more issues. I do like the cat idea but I don't like cats.

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If you have access to 120 volts, I have used this ultrasonic varmint repeller for years.  It must work as I've never had any problems with any critters.  (They say it works for spiders too but that's a far reach.  It don't work for spiders.)


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Without going into great detail, once you get rats, you'll have them for years. They don't have any control of their bowls or urine, so they just drop stuff everywhere they go. And, that's how their friends and family find them, they follow the sent trail. Traps work and so does poison, but like Headhunter says they will die in the most inaccessible places. You'll have to use traps or poison for years to break the cycle.   

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