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3-way Watertight wire connections?


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Strip about 3/4" of insulation off of the main wire where you want the side marker wire to tee into it. Strip about an inch off the end of the side marker wire and spiral wrap it around the stripped main wire. Solder them, clean with alcohol, coat with liquid electrical tape, and cover with one or two layers of hot melt lined heatshrink. 

I rewired my trailer with 16 ga tinned wire, dedicated ground wires, and LEDs about 5 years ago and haven't had a hiccup yet. Lights work every time. 

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Just my .02, I ran every light seperate to a junction box including the ground. This keeps from having to rewire everything when a clearance light goes out, makes it easier to trace issues and limits the amount of connections subject to corrosion. It's a pia getting it all set up, but once it's in you are good.for years, saves tI'm tracing issues and makes changing failed lights much easier. I used marine grade triplex and duplex and left extra coiled up in the I beams for future use. 

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Yes Sir the proper way to do it. Each light.....why do trailers need so many lights anyway....has it's own dedicated feed, NO openings spliced into the main feed like they do on new trailers. As you say takes an extra bit of time however it's pretty much "one and done"!

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On 10/29/2017 at 8:06 AM, FLDXT said:

Terminal box is up in the front of the trailer, basically just a ring terminal connection. The box is water resistant and sealed pretty good. I'll try to get pics today.

Like this one?   https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/Spectro/38656.html?feed=npn&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz8v9je6Y1wIV1bfACh0SUQ5OEAQYAiABEgIIh_D_BwE

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Yes, cheaper on Amazon. I mounted mine in the upright I beam going to my winch in the front of the trailer. Ez to work on and keeps it dry. I used marine grade wire, duplex and triplex and made sure I bought light with their own ground wire, grounding to trailer at different locations through hardware is not preferred. All my light are grounded in the box through a dedicated ground wire.

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Ditto on Genuinedealz. I've ordered custom cables, heat shrink, heat shrink butt connectors, 50' rolls of 14 ga wire, etc., etc.. I usually order the adhesive heat shrink in rather large quantities, always nice to have when you need it and not have to go buy some cheap stuff.....or run to WM and pay out the waazzo!!

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