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Jump seats on TRS

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the response. I havent been able to locate the original latch. Maybe I am missing it but ive looked all over. Were talking about the 2 aft seats correct? If so, do you have a photo of the latch that should come standard?

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Joe. Did they install the same set that come from the factory? I have called my MBC dealer twice and went by in person requesting to get these parts and have yet to get a call back. If your dealer gets the parts in let me know who it is and Ill call him to order.

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they installed the identical clips - just an extra set - been working perfectly. My dealer is Bob Hewes boats in Miami. call me on my cell if you plan on using them and I will give you some additional info that will be of value.


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