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Help me pick a trolling motor


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Looking to buy a trolling motor for a 1999 action craft 1820 with a 135 optimax. Some of the online sizing guides suggest a 12 volt 50-60 lb thrust motor. I usually fish alone or with 1 other guy and 95% of the time it is for 4 hrs or less. The boat already has a 3 bank charger. I'm considering a 24 volt system and around 80 lb thrust. Is that overkill? It would be cheaper and much less weight for a 12 volt system but I'm afraid I will be disappointed in the performance. 

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I would go with a 24v set up all day. I had an 80lb thrust on my old 19’ Pathfinder and never worried about it being enough...I could (and did) cross the river with it because I had to once....this section of the river was 3 miles across. It also depends on where you fish, up in NE Fl we have strong tides and 12v would be struggling by lunch time. To sum it up....it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. 

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Best advice I ever got was "you can never overbuy when it comes to a trolling motor."   I didn't take that advice, and bought a 55lb thrust riptide for my 18 MA.  It was a major mistake.  The TM had enough power . . . under ideal conditions, but when the tide got rolling, or the wind got blowing, or I just needed to get across a flat a little faster, I regretted that purchase.   My attempt to save money ended up costing me more, because I ended up selling the 55lb thrust for a loss and getting an 80lb thrust Ipilot.   It make all the difference.  I wouldn't say that the 80 is anywhere close to "overpowered" by any stretch of the imagination - it's about perfect.


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24v/80lbs for sure... make model style well that's up to you. I know a lot of guys love the remote ones but I like things simple, so I have a tiller type Riptide SF . Hate another remote control around my neck with the powerpole remote and it's also one more thing to break. I will say that spot lock on the remote ones is way cool but you definitely will pay to play. 

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Thank you gentleman, I will be going with an 80 lb 24 volt I pilot. Does anyone have a good recommendation on where to buy online? So far I think trolling motor. Net might be the place. I think I might do the foot controller also with the quick release bracket and I think I read about a better type of plug connector on here somewhere. I would like to try to buy everything at once so I can get it installed ASAP.

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What they all suggested (24v/80lbs)! 

Personally I prefer the Powerwinch plug over the Battery Tender plug. I've had Powerwinch plugs on all 3 of my Mavericks without failure or issue. A Battery Tender plug failed on my old 17MA. 

Also, a separate breaker for your TM batteries is a really good idea. 

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3 hours ago, conocean said:

What they all suggested (24v/80lbs)! 

Personally I prefer the Powerwinch plug over the Battery Tender plug. I've had Powerwinch plugs on all 3 of my Mavericks without failure or issue. A Battery Tender plug failed on my old 17MA. 

Also, a separate breaker for your TM batteries is a really good idea. 

24v/80 - agreed.

I personally prefer the  Battery Tender vs. Powerwinch as the Powerwinch requires that you place the wires very closely together at the male connection (and sometimes have to shave down the wire), where with the Battery Tender's connection is a good distance apart.

Batteries  (not mentioned by OP) but, I prefer- AGM - Deka's Series 27....



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Does the Powerwinch screw in, or does it just insert and twist to lock in place?  In my opinion, the method of locking in place is crucial.  By screwing in, the Battery Tender does NOT become loose due to bouncing and vibration.  These new generation trollers with their boards are sensitive to intermittent voltage issues, as can happen with a loose plug. 

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