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Flamingo/Florida Bay April 27

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Weatherman said it was gonna be beautiful and this time he/she got it right! Windy start to the day, but the winds laid down around 10:00 a.m. or so and I was blessed with a big sky all day. I fished the flats and bights to the East and South of Flamingo, so the tides were not a major concern. This was primarily a scouting trip. Started the day with a few nice trout, headed back to the west to look for reds and snook. I polled several flats where I have found fish before and was pleased to land a nice snook that ate a topwater lure and then 10-12 reds that seemed to love the pink Saltwater Assassin paddle tail. At one spot between two small islands I found 6-8 reds under a mangrove that acted like mangrove snapper! And then, a pot hole with 5-6 snook laid up in it. The water in the pot hole was only a little deeper than the flat, but it was a place for them to lay up. Overall, a really nice day in the Park. Here are a few pictures from the day.







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