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Forum banded words


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Can we get the words "s#ck" and "s#cks" off the banned list? I don't think either one of those words are that derogatory. Also we talk a lot about plumbing, pumping, draining and water flow, where those words relate to those topics.

Its silly, after I write those words and then it turns into a list asterisks. Then I supplement one letter with some other character to still make the word. 

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1. The filter is in place to maintain a family friendly forum where members may ask questions and/or provide information that is informative. Additionally, the forum is for the owner to obtain information to improve the product.

2. If everyone were responsible adults there would be no need for filters or moderators. 




PS: There are plenty of fishing/boating forums on the internet that are out of control. And copious negativity on various forums and social media sites. If anyone prefers chaos and such uncivil sites, please feel free to utilize them. This site will not be allowed to fall into that realm! 

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9 hours ago, Moderator said:

1. The filter is in place to maintain a family friendly forum where members may ask questions and/or provide information that is informative. Additionally, the forum is for the owner to obtain information to improve the product.

2. If everyone were responsible adults there would be no need for filters or moderators. 




PS: There are plenty of fishing/boating forums on the internet that are out of control. And copious negativity on various forums and social media sites. If anyone prefers chaos and such uncivil sites, please feel free to utilize them. This site will not be allowed to fall into that realm! 

In all seriousness I appreciate the “filtering” on this forum. It only takes a quick glance through FS or THT to see how out of  control a simple question can get. Don’t even bother with the “what’s the best boat” threads. This forum has always been the go-to, no-nonsense forum for anything MBC and how to repair and maintain it. 

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I think the filter is kind of stupid... but M2 makes good point and "PS: There are plenty of fishing/boating forums on the internet that are out of control. And copious negativity on various forums and social media sites. If anyone prefers chaos and such uncivil sites, please feel free to utilize them. This site will not be allowed to fall into that realm! "  I REALLY Appreciate this position and the role of Moderators and MGB folks.    So guess I'll put up with stupid (see, that's an ok word) filters.  

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