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Action before sunrise


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My tournament partner and I decided to drop the boat in the water before first light and run to fish top-water before the marina opened for live bait. We hit a few spots in St. Catherine's Sound before we found a nice mud flat adjacent to a steep drop off. We started out with a large Zara Spook on one rod and a red/white Saltwater Assassin on the other. Both lures were lost almost immediately. A large trout pulled the knot on the Spook, and a bluefish or ladyfish cut the Assassin under the water. We both tied on large, floating poppers with red throats and it was on! The action was incredible. I have never seen trout destroy anything that hard before. We managed 4 in the cooler before 6:30am and had to leave due to a massive storm moving in on us. I'm curious to know how long the bite would have lasted if we didn't have to haul butt back to the dock to escape the lightning and rain. There were no more fish caught the rest of the day (we tried until 4). I'll post a pic when Troy can send me one.

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