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Overslot Sunday - Capt Dino and Capt Alex Adventures

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So, Coto from the forum and I decided to hit the water early for some summer fishing in da glades.

I decided for the first time, no live shrimp and pop'n corks......as we drove to Choko and passed the bait shop, Coto kept saying, breathe deep, you can do this, breathe deep, you can do this......we rounded the circle in Everglades City....and while a tear formed in my left eye, I was strong, and we moved on to Outdoor resorts....

On the water at 0615....

I told Coto that in the event I began to shake due to the lack of live shrimp....i brought my Epi-pen and it was strored in the emergency box.   Well....we didn't have to use it as the action was on fire....


Coto was on fire from the start as he was zinging mirrodine and DOA's....

We fished a creek close to CHOKO and he found several trout that came home with us.....




Then we moved up near the gulf and Coto was pounding the shore line with a DOA as I was working the trolling motor up front...


I hear this "grunt"...."errrrrrr.....big fish"....I look back and see about a 4 foot boil....and I knew it was not the peanut snooklets we were catching...

Light tackle and expert boating skills.....combined with my excellent netting skills....as you can see, COTO did very little....resulted in this epic backcountry snook.....

He did a great job keeping out of the mangroves, it was like, how many times can we run on the gunnels around the boat.....long fight, good pressure, and she came to the boat.....

Well done.....



I was pounding the DOA's, Gulp Shrimp (yes, I did rub a bit of gulp shrimp juice on my temples every once in a while, as I was beginning to shake just before lunch)....and found some nice flounder - yes flounder, on a DOA and Gulp out on some points...

We boated a nice Lady....and she came aboard....as we were sitting for lunch, I do my normal, "ladies and chunks for lunch routine", put out a few chunks...and a Miss Pussy arrived on the stern...and, like clockwork, just as I had my special egg salad lettuce rap going to my lips....my front rod goes over.....

Nice fight and some good netting skills by COTO and this guy showed up......but, got to play another day, as he measured exactly 27 1/2 inch....on the official Redfish measuring stick....ugggggh.....but, I had dinner....with a few trout and nice flounder filets....





It was a great day in the glades......for those counters...between Coto and me (with Coto about 2x1 on the DOA's ).it was probably 30-35 snook....95 % under 24 inches....one nice momma....

3 trout with two home for dinner

2 nice flounder and a nice large mangrove....all home, all on DOA's....

On the water at 0615....off at 1200 hrs as the tide rushed us off.....

Fished within 10 miles of the port.....

Fun day :)




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Quick morning of great fishing! Can't ask for anything better, except if those rolling tarpon we were casting to would have cooperated that would have made it epic. I will also agree on netting skills being a big plus.

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