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88 Bob Hewes Bonefisher II Ground up- Rebuild


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Here's a couple photos of my "retirement" project.  She's a 1988 Bob Hewes Bonefisher II that I picked up.  I'm guessing due to the hull color and the fact that she had a hole drilled completely thru the sole and hull that in her first life she was part of the FWC fleet.  I remember drooling over this boat at a boat show 30 years ago with one of my buddies at a boat show, and thinking: Wow, she's made with Kevlar".  The timeline photos show a ton of poor patch work that now resides in a land fill.  I'm replacing the stringers, transom, and sole.  Then I get to work on the cap, where my plan is to modify it to meet my 56 year old knees and needs.

hewes left rear edge outside.jpg

rotten stringer.jpg

hewes floor removed.jpg

hewes floor before.jpg

hewes rear deck.jpg

hewes top off.jpg

transom 2.jpg

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WOW! You got a project ahead of you! I think it might be easier to break into BassProShops in Miami and just steal the one the have on display! Kidding aside, good luck and keep us up to date on the build, we love this stuff, especially the finished project! I actually have those kevlar stickers that came on the boat, they are currently stuck to something else but if you want to have them replicated let me know.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Project update!  The slate is cleaned and re-construction has begun! The transom is in with 2 pieces of composite, she's top less and 90% of her top is re-done in a "channeled" composite.  The stage I'm in now is bedding and fitting in the stringers, which will also out of composite!  The composite I choose is I believe KCell and is basically a Coosa nockoff.  The summer heat and rain have delayed me, yet covid did help as my work schedule allowed me to work on the porch and grind at night!  




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks team!  This is not going to be a quick re-build!  Yet it does rock me to sleep on those sleepless C19 nights!  The stringers are cut and being glassed.  I was able to create 3 "story boards" that allow me to properly measure the height of the floor for each of the 5 stringers.   You can see my stringer templates in the first photo.  The second is of the cap at 95% and almost ready for flipping.



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  • 1 month later...

Shallowminded6, the only reason I can give is that I've had zero experience with foam.  90% of the stringers are done, with the K Cell.  Foot note here for all, I put in "story boards" at three areas where my sole or bottom of my boat.  I marked the edges and was able to snap a chalk line to set my level.   I'm working alone in a shop deep in the woods, so any help I get is from is from ingenuity.  The story board idea came to me after lunch/nap and a video on This Old House.  Shown in the photo is the stringers "dry fitted".  This was not as easy as I thought it would be!   Needless to say...we are in the building stages.  Next, she gets a good pressure washing and then bedded stringers.


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  • 1 year later...

Hard to believe its been 3 years since I started this project!  As you can see the stringers were set and level to my taste.  Extra bunking was put in, again to carry the load where I felt I needed it.  Then 2lb density foam was poured and leveled using a door planner.  That will be sealed as an extra layer of protection.  Water seeps or limber holes were added to allow any water that penetrated the deck to exit into the bildge.  The deck is 1" NIDA Core.  My first attempt failed, and I lost about $ 300.00 in materials!  My second attempt appears to have been a success, as the top was glassed in place and will be lifted, trimmed, and the bottom sealed before re-installing!205793101_hewesfloor.thumb.jpg.39d4342ec4cc52a8829a6a9470dc338c.jpg




hewes floor 2.jpg

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