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Pathfinder 2600 TRS Questions


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Hoping some of you can answer a few questions. 


1. How much chain/rode along with anchor would fit in the anchor locker?

2. I know there are 10 seats in the TRS. Has anyone ever actually put 10 people in it? How did it handle? Would you do it again? :)

3. Has anyone modded their battery setup to make it a little more redundant and to offer greater capacity for the house? 

4. Since there is no fish box in the TRS it was suggested to use a fish bag in the front. Totally fine with that, I plan on catching specks / reds and occasion snapper. Has anyone bought one done this and bought one they like?

5. If you are fishing 2/3 guys in the marsh, what is the real draft you think?


IFishIEat #firstpost :) 

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Hi Kieth,

We've communicated some.  Unfortunately, 2600 TRS owners are probably the least represented on this forum. 

1. I use the 12# Sea Claw with a few feet of chain.  Some say you don't need chain, but I use a few feet and never have any problems.  I think I have 100' of line, but not sure.  I rarely anchor in anything more than about 10'.  Plenty more line would fit.

2. As we've talked, I've had 9 people onboard and wouldn't hesitate to do it again.  I wouldn't hesitate to have 10 onboard either.

3. I have not.

4. I usually put fish in the starboard side well and then toss them in a cooler when returning to the dock.

5.  I think 16" is a reasonable draft. 

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I use the fortress aluminum anchor that is recommended.  I don't remember which it is but it is not even close to fitting in that anchor locker.  This winter I will build a new stainless steel one that will fit in there.  I use about ten feet of 1/4" stainless chain and it holds fine.

I had 9 people on the boat tubing this weekend and it never seemed uncomfortable or even noticeable.  We were doing some pretty extreme maneuvers and the kids on the front seemed completely fine holding onto the rail and leaning against the backrest.  It has a deeper front deck than the rest of the bay boats we looked at.

I have the factory dual battery setup.  One that runs everything and one backup that does nothing and has no way to charge it.  I replaced the batteries that came with it with the Odyssey Group 31 AGMs.  I ran live wells, graphs and stereos for hours on end with no issues.  This winter I will change the whole system to match what was recommended on my Hull Truth thread about this boat.  It will then run as Mercury recommends and both will be charged.  The engine will run off one and everything else will run off of the other.

I don't keep fish so I don't know.

I haven't checked the draft so I can't help with that.   

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  • 6 months later...
On 8/6/2019 at 3:06 PM, IFishIEat said:

Hoping some of you can answer a few questions. 


1. How much chain/rode along with anchor would fit in the anchor locker? I have about 12 ft of chain and 200 ft of line; no problem. 

2. I know there are 10 seats in the TRS. Has anyone ever actually put 10 people in it? How did it handle? Would you do it again? :) I regularly have about 5-8... but some of us are more plump than others... I have taken ten, but that includes two small kids. No problem. 

3. Has anyone modded their battery setup to make it a little more redundant and to offer greater capacity for the house? Nope. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 

4. Since there is no fish box in the TRS it was suggested to use a fish bag in the front. Totally fine with that, I plan on catching specks / reds and occasion snapper. Has anyone bought one done this and bought one they like? I've used the starboard rear compartment which I believe is insulated (although not sure how well) - no problems. However, more regularly I just take a cooler and use that (so I don't have to clean the compartment). 

5. If you are fishing 2/3 guys in the marsh, what is the real draft you think? No idea; I do run it pretty skinny sometimes, but usually don't fish anywhere where the draft would be an issue. 


IFishIEat #firstpost :) 

Here are my answers - hope this helps. 

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In answer to question #1 only. One of my clients owned the 26. He tried to get 400' of 1/2" along with 6-8ft of chain and the anchor. Too much trouble trying to jam all that in there. He ended up with either 250 or 300' of rode plus chain and anchor. His 26 and my 25 have about the same amount of room. I have 300' 1/2" rode. I find its easiest if we are planning to anchor again soon (moving from one place to another to fish again) that I just leave the rode out of the locker on the front deck and just store the anchor and chain. It's a PIA to stow all that rode for a 15 min ride to the next spot.  

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