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Florida marine tracks

linesider 159

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52 minutes ago, Big Dave said:

What I mean is, if I have a Simrad NSS EVO3 and a friend has a Lowrance, will my FMT chip work in his machine?  Or, if someone has a 7" Lowrance and another person has a 12" Lowrance with FMT, will his chip work in the 7" machine?  

Yes it sure will.  When you order the chip they ask what unit and screen size but it is not for the chip rather their interest in what you are running. I have run mine in 12's and 9s.

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Free updates for 12 months applies only to the original purchaser.

A second hand owner will have to purchase the update for $119 which would then apply to the successive 12 months.

With respect to the Big Bend and all of NFL, the NFL update was released in June which is a substantive difference from NFL charts sold prior to June (and not yet updated).  A new detailed 3 hour video (three separate parts) showing the Updated version and the comparison to the latest premium Garmin product supported by Navico is posted on youtube.  If you run Garmin at Steinhatchee, you put your rig and your well being at serious risk.   The video speaks for itself.  With respect to the Tampa Bay (part 1 of 3) and the Big Bend especially at Steinhatchee (part 2 of 3), the differences are shocking.  


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So you pay $450 for half the state then after 12 months you can get an update for another $120 ??  For someone that only gets to the state infrequently that's pretty pricey.  So the question is:  if I buy a new Simrad 9" screen and the new chip and follow the track and can show by my machine's trip track that I hit a rock while dead on the FMT track are you liable for the damage?

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4 hours ago, Limitless said:

So you pay $450 for half the state then after 12 months you can get an update for another $120 ??  For someone that only gets to the state infrequently that's pretty pricey.  So the question is:  if I buy a new Simrad 9" screen and the new chip and follow the track and can show by my machine's trip track that I hit a rock while dead on the FMT track are you liable for the damage?

You pay $449 and you get a map for the entire State and hi res imagery for 1/2 of the State and you get free updates for a year.  After that its $119 for the next year similar to Garmin and the others as well.  If you want to the entire State its $649 and you can get free updates for a year and after that its $119 for the next year similar to Garmin and the others.   By comparison, to get the entire state covered by Garmin/Navionics, its about $100 less to get a 906 and a 630 chip and you would then get all that they have a deep reputation of providing for FL as shown in the videos and zero tracks to follow other than the ICW.  So you can save about $100 if you like and get that if it seems like a better deal overall to you.     

With respect to your damage question that has not happened even a single time to date since the ISLA product was released that I am aware of.  But the policy is "no" the same as it is at Garmin and all of the manufacturers for good reason.   People often put out obstacles on purpose in hopes people will run into them.  That happens sometimes by locals in the Big Bend/Homosassa area where they will put out rocks and concrete blocks on purpose in hopes it will cause damage to someone just to keep others away.  I have even seen it where they will put out stakes to direct people into a bar or remove stakes marking a bar.  The same goes for GPS in a car.  Just because a road is there, does not mean it will always be free of obstacles.  After the recent hurricane a few Tracks had obstacles on or very near them that have since been marked.  Trees can fall at anytime and boats can sink any where creating hazards.  Then you would have dishonest people with fraudulent intentions crashing their lower units on purpose into placed obstacles on tracks to get new gear or create fraudulent other claims.  There are crooks everywhere these days creating fake car crashes, shipping ransom ware, and even posting thousands of images on line in hopes an unsuspecting web browser may use one without asking so they can then claim copyright infringement and claim hundreds to thousands in damages.  

But if safety and value is a concern for you and your family and you run Garmin controlled charts, you should take a long hard look at those recent videos posted showing their latest release particularly in the Tampa Bay area and most of the Big Bend, especially Steinhatchee.  If you do that, the relative value and safety factor delivered by each is clear. And that is the primary reason ISLA is on target to convert more than 1,000 Garmin users just this year who say they find their Garmin charts useless and even dangerous.  People don't spend thousands of dollars to go through all of that trouble to switch because they find their current Garmin charts are a great value and deliver great accuracy and imagery and are really getting the job done as advertised.  It's pretty much exactly the opposite and most are very concerned about the risk of hitting a rock.  For them that risk a seriously reduced by losing their Garmin controlled chart as a navigational aid on their boat and the approximate $100 difference is well more than worth it to them.  At least that is what I hear every week from callers and also what the posted commentary about the charts support.  The two products are really quite different from each other in very substantive ways and the so the relative value to most users is as well.   

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Thanks for the explanation.  No, I dont run garmin.  I had one on a Hewes I bought a few years ago and half the time in 10,000 Islands it showed me on land when I was in the channel.  Unfortunately for some one like me that only gets to FL 3 or 4 times a year FMT is too heavy a deal.  I have to say that everyone I've talked to that runs FMT is very impressed with it.  All the best to you.

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1 hour ago, Limitless said:

.... for some one like me that only gets to FL 3 or 4 times a year FMT is too heavy a deal. 

That is the reason I bought the chip for the entire state. There are places I only get to once or twice a year and things change. FMT is the only chip I have run that updates often to reflect those changes I am not aware of. If you fish the same spots each trip probably no big deal but worth every penny to me. Just got my update in and its solid!

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8 hours ago, Limitless said:

So you pay $450 for half the state then after 12 months you can get an update for another $120 ??  For someone that only gets to the state infrequently that's pretty pricey.  So the question is:  if I buy a new Simrad 9" screen and the new chip and follow the track and can show by my machine's trip track that I hit a rock while dead on the FMT track are you liable for the damage?

This is the best marine industry product I've seen in years.  In my experience, the tracks are spot on and the customer service is excellent.  I highly recommend FMT. 

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Buddy just sent this to me. I think he called it a ” Steinhatchee license plate” from a scalloping trip over there.  Prolly woulda been cheaper to buy the chart in the first place.  


That said, did you ever get St Aug inlet squared away, if so I need to send mine back to you for that update. I love the chart but If I’m being honest it is hard to have the utmost confidence in it after seeing how off the inlet markers were. I’d also love to see a track for what we call the “north cut” added to the inlet.   


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20 hours ago, Limitless said:

So you pay $450 for half the state then after 12 months you can get an update for another $120 ??  For someone that only gets to the state infrequently that's pretty pricey.  So the question is:  if I buy a new Simrad 9" screen and the new chip and follow the track and can show by my machine's trip track that I hit a rock while dead on the FMT track are you liable for the damage?

It’s been a long time since I can honestly say that the price charged for a product or service was low when compared to what you get. FMT is that product! Glen could double the chip and update prices and it would still be totally worth it. Additionally, you can’t put a price on safety!

I probably will hit bottom again around here, but it will be in a area that FMT allowed me to go, and I thought I knew more than the chip. That will be my problem, not Glen’s.

This is the best fishing/marine product since the outboard motor!

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7 hours ago, linesider 159 said:

Managed to borrow the chip from a buddy, and wow. It is really nice. 

I'm able to comfortably run into areas and set down where previously I wouldn't have confidence 

That's what happened when I saw Dino's FMT in action...wow! I was sold right then and there.

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On 8/21/2019 at 11:19 PM, justfish said:

Buddy just sent this to me. I think he called it a ” Steinhatchee license plate” from a scalloping trip over there.  Prolly woulda been cheaper to buy the chart in the first place.  


That said, did you ever get St Aug inlet squared away, if so I need to send mine back to you for that update. I love the chart but If I’m being honest it is hard to have the utmost confidence in it after seeing how off the inlet markers were. I’d also love to see a track for what we call the “north cut” added to the inlet.   


The track near the shore inside the bar to the north at the mouth of the inlet was added and buoys were  moved.

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13 hours ago, linesider 159 said:

Managed to borrow the chip from a buddy, and wow. It is really nice. 

I'm able to comfortably run into areas and set down where previously I wouldn't have confidence 

Glad you got ahold of one, OP. Good luck this weekend.

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