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TM power problems

Miss Jazzy

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Just replaced my tm and also traded out the plug to a battery tender plug. Also added a 30a breaker from a fuse holder. So all connections are new. Problem I'm having is after just a few minutes the breaker trips and it takes a little while before I can reset it.  Battery's are blue top within a year old. TM is Ulterra. Had e batteries tested and all was good. Only thing I can think of is replacing the wires from breaker to plug, maybe they're corroded under the deck and not getting enough voltage?

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8 hours ago, Miss Jazzy said:

Only thing I can think of is replacing the wires from breaker to plug, maybe they're corroded under the deck and not getting enough voltage?

Did it work on your previous TM, e.g. no problems?  Now, it is happening?

Are you using a 1/2 ALL with the engine motor?  Are all the connections secure...remember, it only takes a slight bit of looseness (if that's a word) on a ground or a pos to create a hot wire and the breaker will go.  

Is the breaker ok?


From there...you just have to go step by step....

1.) Check your bridge connection on the batteries and be sure everything is tight with the wiring.

2.) Same with the connection to the battery tender plug

3.) Same with the breaker

Do the above and run the TM on the boat (you can just deploy it and check while running on the trailer) at high speed to check.

If none of the above work....I'd pull new wires, but, first I'd run them above deck to be sure the wiring is working well.

Enjoy the hunt.....electrical stuff makes me crazy....




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1 hour ago, fin-addict said:

Breaker too small, need 60, know you have heard this before. Bypass breaker and see what happens as a test. Jmo

This sounds like the correct thing to do. During your test or after replacing with a 60 amp breaker, feel the wires after a few minutes. If they are warm, that is an indication of too much resistance, which usually indicates a bad connection or corroded wiring.  Hope it's just the breaker.

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14 hours ago, Miss Jazzy said:

Also added a 30a breaker from a fuse holde

good catch guyz.....I missed that one completely......Forest for the trees.....I missed the word "added" :(


Now that it's been mentioned, you should be using a break that allows  you to switch off and on and NOT from a fuse holder as the Ulterra's are senstive to charging the TM batteries while in line....just what's been discussed previously....


Yes, 60 is probably the right number based upon above.....

Here is the link to amazon....

amazon link




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Check the existing wire gauge that you have installed against the chart provided by triplec. If your wire is undersized, it will heat up and trip the breaker, whether it's 60 amps or not. I WOULD NOT bypass the breaker while trouble-shooting. It may be the only thing protecting your boat from a catastrophic fire in the bilge.

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