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Remove steering wheel 2001 pathfinder


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I am not a fan of pullers because you can bend the wheel. I prefer spinning the nut to the top of the shaft and while pulling up on the wheel tap the nut with a hammer. Having a buddy pull while you tap it might work best. The absolute best way I have found is getting a wide tool such as a nail puller and prying yup while tapping the shaft with the nut flush with the top will pop the wheel right off. 

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The trick is to use the puller properly.  The puller should only put tension on the wheel as you are doing. But rather than hitting the nut you tap on the shaft of the wheel puller. It will then come loose. Do not even think that the puller is going to use brute force to take the wheel off as you will bend things. Tension and tapping with the proper penetrating oil. There are many oils better than wd40.

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1. Thread a nut on the steering shaft (not the pretty nut, one you can hit)

2. Stand over the wheel with your left hand at 12 o-clock and your knee under the wheel rim at 6 o-clock.

3. While pulling up with your hand and pressing up with your knee hit the nut with a SOFT hammer (brass, aluminum, etc...)



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1 hour ago, jason p said:

While pulling up with your hand and pressing up with your knee hit the nut with a SOFT hammer (brass, aluminum, etc...)


Good technique,  as well, I've used a large dowl over the nut to prevent damage when  have tapped it.

You can also light heat the nut with a hair dryer or heat gun to help after it's been soaking overnight with PB blaster or equivalent.

I aso agree, if used properly, and a good quality one, a puller will work...



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