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Need New GPS/Mapping unit for Console to use FMT Card


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Current Setup:  At the Console I have a Garmin EchoMap 73sv.  The Mapping is really off. I've used in Venice and Choko and I'll be in the middle of a river and it will show me driving on the bank.  Not Good!!!  At the Bow I have a Hbird Helix 10 with 360.

What I'd like to do is add another Helix unit at the helm with all the bells/whistles and network with the 360 unit.  I'd also like to have a Navico unit at the Helm that lets me use the FMT cards.  I may use this as a stand alone unit or as a secondary finder.  Not sure of the best setup but I think it may be good to have either a Simrad or Lowrance in addition to the HBird Helix at the helm.  May be overkill but  would be nice to have two different units to view when looking for fish but also have a stand alone Map unit.

Any suggestions on which Navico unit is the most bang for the buck and user friendly?  

Suggestions on possible setups that would be optimal?

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14 hours ago, rubble said:

Simrad or Lowrance

I am a BIG proponent of SIMRAD as I like the spin knob....but, the darn things are $$$$. If i had not gotten a EVO2 last year model 9" at an internet price match at West Marine for less than $1K, I would not have bought it....COTO on the forum whom I fish with has the Lowrance and I must say, it is a good unit and and while I do like the knob to spin in and out, the buttons on the side of the Lawrence unit work just fine....it's just you really cannot be touching the screen when running with a FMT chip and use the plus/minus button and think you can navigate in the backcountry....your hand/eye coordination on a touch screen at 25mph in a narrow creek don't work....

for $1K to $1,500 you can get a very good Lowrance which will work...i don't know the models, but, here on the forum there are references....if you got $2K +, go SIMRAD EVO3 9" or 12" $$$$ and don't look back :)  but, you'll be happy with a Lowrance for the $$$ you save.




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Three units is too many I think.  I would lose the Johnson machines or at least one as they are only good for the sounder and have no plan to improve charts unless you live on a bass lake. They are focused on fresh water and way behind in mapping and falling behind in other areas such as the trolling motors with three new recent high quality competitors in that area that are equal or better to what they produce.  The depth machine on the newer alternative units without a crazy transducer is very good for water under 100'.  If you wait until later this year the EVO3 will be replaced by a later model.  When that happens, the EVO3 models will likely be reduced by about $1,000.  The EVO3 units with the 3in1 transducer has a very clean side scan.  I would wait for that.  I expect it the new one will be rolled out in November at the FTL boat show.  As shown in the recommended units video comparison discussion, the EVO3 units have much higher screen resolution vs. other units such as the Elite Ti2 7 and 9" and also the smaller GO units.  Thus, the imagery looks even better and you see more real estate on the screen compared to the same size unit with lower resolution.  If you want excellence in Choko, get the EVO3 12 for about $2.3k at the end of the year.  The 9" will be much less than that.  Compared to a machine with buttons, for the Everglades, the zoom knob is worth the difference if you run on plane a lot.  

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