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Leaning Post Mod.


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Looking to mod my leaning post due to old back. Like some input on this. Back rest is removable, slips into two rod holders that will come off. Remove seat cushion and storage bin under it that is screwed to top frame.  Now the questions. 1. Screw down starboard to cover top of frame opening or use aluminum plate for same. How thick should those plates be to hold weight and take chop. 2. Instead of plates have piping same as post welded to inside of frame work and then mount seat slider to pipes instead of the plate as stated above. The seats are going to be ergonomic style. Below photo gives some idea to what I’m thinking. Using plate of starboard or aluminum is a diy project. Welding support pipe bracing for sliders ia a fab shop. Keeping the rod holder as seen. Thanks



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What about having a sheet of aluminum bent in the same shape as the original seat. You could attach to the original hinge at the bottom and keep your storage under the seat. If you go this route, you'll need a rubber isolator between the existing pipe frame and the sheet aluminum. Also, I think a peace of 3/8 sheet aluminum would be sufficient. Might need to tow the rig to a fabricator to get that answer.

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22 hours ago, SCFD rtrd. said:

What about having a sheet of aluminum bent in the same shape as the original seat. You could attach to the original hinge at the bottom and keep your storage under the seat. If you go this route, you'll need a rubber isolator between the existing pipe frame and the sheet aluminum. Also, I think a peace of 3/8 sheet aluminum would be sufficient. Might need to tow the rig to a fabricator to get that answer.

X2, that way I could still have the bin. Thanks fin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still looking to do this mod but stuck on which seat is going to work the best for me and must be ergonomic style without breaking the bank. Want all white and seems most are in two tone these days but there are some. May have to have white/blue. Also size matters in this case, lol. Any suggestions would be helpful on manuf. read a lot of hype from all. 🙏😀fin

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