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HPX-T Livewell Issue - Help ASAP


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Good Morning Everyone,

I have a Maverick HPX-T from 2004. I have a Port side crustacean livewell, others have told me it is a "free flowing" livewell. Immediately, when the transom hits the water the livewell begins to fill up with water. I have a drain plug in the livewell that goes directly in the hull. There is another white colored faucet that I see the water comes in from. Is there a way to stop the water from automatically coming into my livewell? Valve I could turn off maybe? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

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Not familiar with your boat, but if water immediately enters the live-well when the boat is put in the water, I would suspect that water is entering from the drain. If you install the drain plug, does that stop the water from entering? The white faucet thing might be connected to a pump. If so, just close the valve before the pump.

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You can unscrew the white valve off and get a 3/4 screw cap they sell at west marine to cap it off, that’s what I did with my HPXV release well valve. The 1 1/2 T-H plug seen in the picture should be plugged in to keep water from coming up. Get a new plug they dry up after a while and don’t seal as tight as when new.


My crustacean well also has a 1” brass flow thru that goes to the bottom of the hull and where the 1” stand pipe you see in the picture goes. That also needs to be plugged I use a 1” brass t-plug that expands when tuned. Another thing also on the screw cap make sure to put some Teflon tape on the male end thread. Hope that helps.

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