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Lowrance HDS LIVE


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I seen to have this track recording the bottom , while I am running .

Worried it is being saved to my FMT card and that is not good .

I am having a hard time finding the Genesis Live , on my plotter .

I know it’s there somewhere.

I would like to turn this feature OFFPLEASE !

Ok Fin , you are up ⬆️ 🙄

Thanks 🇺🇸🏴‍☠️

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Sorry have been indisposed.... glad you got it.  Ive been there tho trying to find certain settings the main thing I had to remember is there is really 2 separate setting locations.... the main settings are located in the gear icon on the home screen, the other are the settings that are found under the menu button of the display pages ie plotter, sonar etc.

The tracks seem to get saved on the units memory not on any cards nothing saves on those unless you choose to do so.  I have saved things like screen shots and GPS / Settings copies to several mapping cards with no ill affects tho just fyi.


Speaking of that.... be sure to go in and backup a copy of the units settings and GPS database to a card in the unit.  If you ever have an issue with the unit not working right on the water the 2 fixes are doing a soft rest (1st) if that doesnt work you do a hard reset, the latter resets it to factory default settings so you lose all stored info.  Most are saavy to know to backup GPS way points but dont think about doing the settings.   It *** big time to lose all settings you've spent hours and hours tweaking and having no clue what all you changed and to what.... by having those settings saved its just a matter of uploading them from the card into the unit and your back in business. 


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