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Props, The never ending question

Saltwater Junkie

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I do not have any personal experience with this setup.  But it's a 26' boat and a 300hp.  Doubt you will be able to get much more out of this setup. If you post your info such as prop, GPS speed and max rpm you can get your prop slip #'s and see if it's a decent prop for that application.  I would think you should be turning a 18-19p prop anything bigger and your rpm should be low.

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Also a good idea to give Marcus at Power Tech props a call. He is the master around here when it comes to setting up our boats with the right prop.

Only other thing I can think to do is see what the max RPMs are for that motor and you should be within that range. If you are below that range you have too much prop. Any idea what prop is on there?

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 Sounds like your over propped .You should be turning about 5800 trimmed on a medium-full load load . My concern would be that you're  putting a load on the motor that could lead to premature wear. The F300 has a range of 5000-6000rpm but higher is better.  If you are turning a 19 pitch , try a 17 pitch .I would drop 2 inches on the wheel.

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