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2300 Midship Cleat

Certified Rehab

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There is not much structural strength in the gunnel boards, that is why we do the cleats like we do.  Would not mount a pop up in the gunnel board.  We build in backing material for the MS cleat during lamination, gives it the strength it needs.




Had my mid-ship cleats installed at the factory. They are in the gunnel (not gunnel boards) adjacent to the lockable rod lockers. There is room to install them after the fact. If you look into the rod locker, there is about 3" of room to work between the top of the rod locker inserts and the gunnel.


I mounted a pair of spring line pop ups in the gunnel brd. I never expect to put a lot of strain there, sometimes I just hang a bumper from it if it doesn't need to be sprung.. 

It was a straight forward install using a rotozip tool. As said it comes with a backer plate, just make sure there is enough room for it to sit flat on the underside.. Easy Breezy 


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