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Cast Nets

Capt. Troy

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My long time custom net maker has fallen victim to dementia and can no longer build nets. I have been looking around and hear Tim Wade builds a good custom net. Have any of you guys tried a Tim Wade cast net and if so what do you think of them. I have no interest in any of the Calusa, Cracker or others as I have tried them all and don't care for them. They have way to much webbing due to the process they use to be built. I also like to have different amounts of weight on them for different applications and it's hard to get that with off the shelf nets.

Fire away

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I have a Tim Wade and it is a good net for the money.  It throws nice and does not tangle much.  I had a Black Pearl and while it is more of a chore to throw I liked it better.

If you want to try it out you are more than welcome to, I see your truck passing me from time to time on my way home so it would not be out of your way to grab it.

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Tim Wade's nets are good and I have one, its nice you can get it in any size and weight you want it.

That said the Humpback nets at Tampa Fishing Outfitters look to be a very nice quality net and have a good range of sizes. I like the way the lead line is assembled on the Humpback over the Wade, the lead line on my Wade has come undone a time or two.  I was told the Humpback net was formally or is a Black Pearl net, it makes sense since the lead lines on both have the same design. The problem with the Black Pearl net, is they didn't have a good range of sizes, but they are good quality.

Troy you have prolly lost more nets than I have owned, so take my advice for what is worth. But consider checking out the Humpback before you order a Wade. 

Whichever one you choose let me know what you think of it. Im about due for new net.

They might have the Humpback nets at Tarpon Fishing Outfitters in Holiday. Thats probably closer to you, I think Tampa and Tarpon Outfitters are owned by the same guy, Mr. Lee.


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Good input guys.  My life, mind and back revolves around my nets.

My previous builder even built the catch nets for the Ringling Brothers circus act and for most of the commercial fisherman in my area. He will be missed. His card read "Master Net Builder" if there is such a thing.


Mulligan, may take you up on the offer and Thank you.

Don't know if I will miss him, his nets and his mean azz dogs more than the best cast nets I have ever thrown.

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1 hour ago, hurricane said:

Tim Wade's nets are good and I have one, its nice you can get it in any size and weight you want it.

That said the Humpback nets at Tampa Fishing Outfitters look to be a very nice quality net and have a good range of sizes. I like the way the lead line is assembled on the Humpback over the Wade, the lead line on my Wade has come undone a time or two.  I was told the Humpback net was formally or is a Black Pearl net, it makes sense since the lead lines on both have the same design. The problem with the Black Pearl net, is they didn't have a good range of sizes, but they are good quality.

Troy you have prolly lost more nets than I have owned, so take my advice for what is worth. But consider checking out the Humpback before you order a Wade. 

Whichever one you choose let me know what you think of it. Im about due for new net.

They might have the Humpback nets at Tarpon Fishing Outfitters in Holiday. Thats probably closer to you, I think Tampa and Tarpon Outfitters are owned by the same guy, Mr. Lee.


Gonna get one this week. Mr lee himself likes me for some reason. We talk *** sideways when he is in the store. Funny as heck to mess with him. Gonna let me load and throw the new humpback in the parking lot next week. Maybe I can net a couple of hundred cars going down 19 and make breaking news. Better yet, the chicks that come out of the tattoo and message place next door.:P

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 I like the way the lead line is assembled on the Humpback over the Wade

I have never took notice to that before.  You made me go out and look at the lead line of both nets I have.  You are correct, the line on the Black Pearl has a much stronger connection to the net itself.  I also notice the lead itself are closer together on the Black Pearl.

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