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2005 Pathfinder Rubrail Replacement


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The 2005 boats didn't have the stainless steel insert.  They had a black plastic half round insert.  The screws on the stainless insert tend to stick out and chew up the trailer guides at a $100 a pop.

I've had to work on my rub rail.  The original rub rail was Pop Rivited, but it's easy to through bolt it.

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Most rub rails are riveted in place. If the metal needs to be replaced drill out the rivets. I would then fill old holes with epoxy or regular thickened resin. Check for any gaps between cap and hull seal as appropriate. 

When replacing start in bow and center first section. Drill holes to proper size Thru bolt when possible and revit when no access.  Use a rubber mallet as you work around be sure to have the rail snug to boat beforeppopping the revitalization.

To replace the rubber insert coil the insert in a bucket of warm/hot water to soften and make it easier to place.  Use stiff putty knife. 

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