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Cleaning Engine


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I wash powerheads often. Formula 88 degreaser with a parts cleaning brush. Flush well with a water hose and use compressed air to dry it.  Then silicone spray or Boeshield T9 (silicone is cheaper).  

I don't recommend CRC, WD, LPS etc. the oils and chemicals break down rubber and wiring over time. 

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2 hours ago, Lap it Up said:

I wash powerheads often. Formula 88 degreaser with a parts cleaning brush. Flush well with a water hose and use compressed air to dry it.  Then silicone spray or Boeshield T9 (silicone is cheaper).  

I don't recommend CRC, WD, LPS etc. the oils and chemicals break down rubber and wiring over time. 

I use Simple Green and don't brush, use a light water spray on the motor.  When dry Silicone or Boeshield is my choice too.

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