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Best product to clean non skid


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I have trouble cleaning the non skid on my 2016 hpx compared to my 2004 redfisher. The hpx has a very "sandy" type of non skid that stains really seem to get set in. Anyone have any recommendations for a cleaning product? I have been cleaning with a shurhold brush and woody wax pine soap and some spot cleaning with on and off hull cleaner. Thanks

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I would clean it with bleach first to get all the stains up. Then follow up with a deck cleaner with PTFE, like Starbright for non-skid.

I'm not a fan of Woody Wax, its pricey, makes the deck slick and just doesn't do a great job of keeping the deck stain free. You can lightly wax the deck with a buffer and cheap pad from Harbor Freight, or a dual action polisher and brush pad that Shurhold makes. This will help prevent stains, will be slightly slippery the first time out, but after that its good. I do this about once a year. 



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For blood and organic stains - a little bit of bleach / soft scrub

For rust / others - a good bit of bar keeper's friend

For grease and oil - I use Woody Wax over a super clean deck.

I use some dawn liquid on the decks before I use the woody...strips it then add Woody

I use either Orphine Soap or Woody wax Soap.

I also keep on the boat..some Starbrite PFT non skid cleaner and hit it with a good shot when on the water.

The key, when coming in on the boat from the parking lot, always clean shoes with towels....keeps the grease off and your ok afterwards.




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