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A little play before work.


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Hi Rob,

Yep that's them. At that size like 3' they are top fun, jump out of the water and carry on. These were fished out of 90' of water but still jump when you get them up to the top.

Dave sight fishes quite a few down at Hinchinbrook - even more fun.

Cheers Snelly

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Nice Fishing John,

Thanks for the advice on the phone the other day and I p***ed it on to the mechanics straight away and it appears we have tracked down the issue.

Lucky as another couple of trips and they said my motor would have blown up totally but appears we have saved it and now have the fuel issue finally fixed.

Should have it back in the water next weekend ready to start preparing and pre-fishing for the Hinchinbrook tournament.

You may have a bit of competition for the Fly Title this year as my fishing partner is bringing the wand which he is not to bad on.


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Hey Waz,

Great to hear you have the problem fixed. Re the Fly title I have employed the "big guns". Kim my mate from the sunshine coast is fishing with me this year. He has won the fly section at least 4 times when he has fished with me in previous years.

Cheers Snelly

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