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Upgrading Trolling motor


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I am upgrading my trolling motor on my 97  18' BayFisher. I am looking to purchase the new Minn Kota Ulterra. I am stuck on wether to go with the 54"/60" shaft??? I would like to fish the reefs down here in Miami and use the spot lock. I don't know if the 54" would hold under rough water. I would appreciate any recommendations/Opinions.... 



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I had a first gen 24 volt Ulterra for a year, and now, the Bluetooth Ulterra for 10 months.   The Bluetooth Ulterra functions are night and day superior to the old Ulterra.  Both Ulterras have given zero problems.  I went fishing on my buddy's 2400 Pathfinder with a 36 volt I Pilot last weekend.  It just made me appreciate my Ulterra that much more!  He is saving up for an Ulterra.  Personally, I would never own a bay boat again without an Ulterra!

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Thx For your input JEM! I just keep reading so many reviews about the Ulterra having issues. I’m not sure if the issues were fixed with the newer models. But now a buddy of mine mentioned a Rohdan trolling unit witch he swears by.

I just love the fact of the auto deploy !!!

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Prior to my Ulterra's, I had an I Pilot.  Just like my buddy's I Pilot last weekend, all the MK motors prior to my Bluetooth Ulterra wandered over a half acre when you used Spot Lock.   That aggravated me to no end.  It especially wasn't fun when trying to anchor down near a dock!  More than once, it bounced me against a dock.>:(

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