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2004 vs 2007 rf18 narrowing my search


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I haven't decided YET, but I'm happily finding myself in a good pickle.

Info is hard to find, any major differences in the two hulls?  Any updates that may have occurred after 2004 that would push the 2007 ahead.

Both have Yamaha 115 (4) and both are in the same ballpark range of price.

04 has 275 hours and the 07 560 hours.

Of the two boats, the 04 has better documentation (as of today)...that should change.  Also seems babied more.  07 more "used" as in fished! (what I'm going to be doing).

Any help or suggestions/comments greatly appreciated.





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IMO, The 2004 is the way to go. In 2007 they had more 'hook' put into the hull for faster planning but this caused porpoising which is a problem for me. Ride in both and  test by getting them on plane and running 3000-3500 RPMs and see which one runs best WITHOUT using the trim tabs.

The 18' will be a great boat for the bay.


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My first MHP boat was a 2003 RF 18.  I had it custom built...

Good little skiff...the backseat lift is the best part of the boat as you can sit back and enjoy the ride while cruising...

The F115 is the perfect combo..but, to get a good hole shot you need a stern lifter 4 blade....see the Funky Monkey at Power Tech....he' on the forum

The F115 will run forever and if you have documentation...you should be good to go....

I don't think you'll see a large amount of difference in the hulls, but, as mentioned ride them both to see what you like.



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