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Stepped hull lift


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My local dock/davit company setup bunks for my lift on a 2500 pathfinder. They welded in a piece on the back to “catch” the step, but it seems too big. The whole setup isn’t right.  Anyone else do something different that works well?

Sorry the pic is upside down. 



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Wow, I would have that fixed pretty quick. You have a lot of weight resting on two small areas. I'm about to go through the same thing, but will be on hand to supervise the modifications. You might be able to solve the problem by adding some material to the front of the bunks (near the bow). If you add height to the front of the bunks, that will lower the hull at the stern.

This modification is something you just can't eyeball or use a scientific guess. Someone actually needs to get in the water and add material, such as 2x4" and wedges to certain areas between the bunks and hull until the correct angles and support is achieved. Then, they need to translate those angles to a piece of permanent material and add that to the bunks.

My idea is to remove the plastic material that is attached to the bunks (at the rear of the bunks), then add a marine grade 2 x 4 to the aluminum bunks, then reinstall the plastic material to the 2x4's.

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