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The Queens Ducks - Err Swans


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Had to run to the UK - specifically Burton-On-Trent for some negotiations..

Packed up the D700 and a SB910..

Anywayz, not fishing...but, water related :) :)

Here's two shots of the what I call - The Queen's Ducks :)

Actually, I was told, all Swans are the property of the Queen...

So, enjoy...

We were hand feeding some bread and it took me about 100 shots to grab this capture...they kept biting me on the hand as I was shooting..


A shot with my buddy holding the strobe...


good fun....


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I have several answers to :


As we get older, seems like everything shrinks, my draft used to be 12"...now, it appears to be shrinking to 5"


1) There's medication for that!!

2) depend how we'll your diet is going

3) is a real question.... Are u getting a Tunnel??

By the way, great pictures!! I wonder what they taste like?

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I have several answers to :

As we get older, seems like everything shrinks, my draft used to be 12"...now, it appears to be shrinking to 5"


1) There's medication for that!!

2) depend how we'll your diet is going

3) is a real question.... Are u getting a Tunnel??

By the way, great pictures!! I wonder what they taste like?

Back on the wagon after a month of hard travelling......

Taking a fews off now to focus on diet and exercise....

Consulting ***ignment ending Dec 15th, so, looks like I'll have some timeon my hands...

Considering going skinny end of next year..


1.) HPX-T (used) - I kick myself everyday for not buying Hobo's HPX - I had first dibbs and p***ed - Ugggh !!!!

2.) all others listed on Microskiff.com :) :)


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