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I have a 2005 RF18. I need to pull the transducer cable for a new Garmin echoMAP CHIRP 94sv from the stern bilge to the bottom of the center console.There is only 1 tube that I can find (on the starboard side) for running cable/wire  forward to the center console. Last time I pulled something forward I also attached a tag along parachute cord and tied it off at both ends.

The tube looks pretty full and I'm concerned the new 12pin transducer cable might not go all the way through. Any ideas from members who are familiar with the RF18 layout on how I can get this cable up to the center console.

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I use weed wacker line, secure it to the transducer plug with some duct tape making a tapered cone shape, trying not to increase the diameter. lube it all up with soapy water as mentioned above.

Being able to have hands on both ends to push&pull it back and forth helps work the plug forward. once you see the duct tape start to enter the console rigging tube, grab it and gently move the shift/throttle cables about while the pulling on the tape... always good for a banged up knuckle or 2. sorry no RF18 specific info, but they are all about the same... GL


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I know you said you pulled a string last time but get  a quality flat snake. This will allow you to try a few different “routes” to get it through, there’s prob a lot of room in there. With the string you have you are limited to how it was originally routed which might even be in a taped or zip tied wire pack. 

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Thanks for the inputs. I have a wire pulling snake in addition to the parachute cord i pulled though the pvc pipe on my last install.  its tied off at both ends.. my thought are to try the parachue cord first withe the plug fastened and taped as a conical shape. if that doesn't work I'll  try the electricians  snake; might even start with that as it is really strong. The cons of using it are the housing it's in does not fit well inside the console and working back towards the stern.

This might go easier then I thought.

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I have no idea if the RF layout is similar to my 2000V, but I'll share anyway. 

After 12 years of pulling, and sometimes breaking both knuckles and new transducer wiring with the factory pull cord include with my boat, I decided to see if there was a better "route" just as Justfish  recommended above.  Started a wire snake from the console back into the bilge and it was TOTALLY unobstructed.  I could have run wires painlessly all these years.  I could install a clean empty flexible PVC tube if desired as well.

Easy Peasy

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I talked to Hewes and they recommended that also  He said there is a bulkhead slightly aft of the console . They put foam of some sort along this bulkhead before laying in the deck it always has voids in it that you can pass a snake through..problem is under my console the only starting point is packed with steering and cables/wires. Might resort to it though.

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