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Giant Blue Fin Tuna


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Finally got my first GIANT.

Me and a buddy battled this fish for 7hrs on standup gear. 100lb test mono. Shimano 50Wide and an 80lb rod. It kicked the %_Q($_Q*% out of us, but somehow we finished the battle. Tail wrapped and dragged back to the dock. It was too big to get into the boat...

98 inches 600lbs... :susel:


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Yeah, you ain't kidding. The longest I stayed on the reel at one time was an hour and an half and that broke me. We kept switching off driving the boat and being on the reel/harness. With only two outta shape fishermen on the boat, it was more than a challenge. Took me two days and some advil to recover. Both of us were bruised and beaten with only minor flesh wounds. Did I mention we left the harpoon at the dock...ahhhhhhh. Putting a Gaf in a 600+ lb fish is dangerous. Kinda like poking a Bull with a pair of scissors. It ain't happy about it.

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not a commercial permit, so we gave it away to friends and family. The freezer is packed with tuna steaks for winter...

No idea on dressed weight. It took four fireman sized guys to pull it onto the dock when we got back in. Carved it up right on the dock as there was no way to move the fish.

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Nice color and fat lines.

That would have brought you a pretty penny.

You can always send some my way. :content:

Re-reading your original post a bad thought occurred.

It would have totally ***ed if while in tow a nasty ole shark came up behind ya and ate your fish. :susel:

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There are whites in that area this time of year, but we tied it off to the bow and stern quickly (LOL). We were able to get on plane and run at 19mph. The Fish then got on plane and hovered in the white wash beside the boat. We got some odd looks coming into the harbor. LOL

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you have it right. When people ask me if it was fun, I stall in my answer. Yes, it was Fun I guess, but at the same time it was utter hell. 7hrs of being on your game (I'm not sure if I have any game left at age 44) at 110% with no rest loses the fun factor. Was it a day of a lifetime, yes. No doubt. Do I want to hook up with another fish that size again.......well....not this year....but then, we don't get to choose what jumps on the hook at 40mph.......LOL.....

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we will give it another attempt this weekend. The boys were out last weekend and got no love. They did have two 30ft whales go under the boat about 5ft below the hull. There were some soiled shorts in those few moments. Could have been bad if the whales tried to surface instead of gliding under the hull.

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Lightning strikes twice.....

This one is a baby at only 165lbs....LOL

Much more manageable than the last one. :susel:

Yes, I'm wearing winter gear. It was 30 degrees on the bank before sunrise. Add 30mph boat speed and you can imagine the wind chill effect....aaaahhhhh.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hoping to be reeling in 1 or 2 of those beast myself, soon.

We shall see.

Guess I should order one of those electric winch reels. lol

Seriously don't know if the ole back could reel one of those monsters in by hand or not.

Will have to take DonV with me to do all the reeling. :content:

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