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PF TE forward livewell - relocate standpipe/drain?


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Anybody relocate their standpipe from the center of the forward well? Just really tired of it being in the way, plus when the boat is on the lift (stern down angle) it never fully drains.

Seems like it would be a pretty straightforward plumbing job. Just wanted to see if anyone has done it, and maybe has some tips or pics. Thanks!

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I had the same problem with a boat several years ago. I cut the standpipe about 2" from the bottom, then used PVC fittings (90 degree elbows) to turn the stand-pipe horizontal till it was close to the corner, then another 90 degree elbow to turn it up, then glue the top back on.  That gets the standpipe out of the center and over to the corner.

You might try that first before you relocate the standpipe and drain. If you choose to move both, how would you plug the existing drain hole?

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Thanks for the suggestion. I actually spoke with someone at MBC who suggested something similar, so I ended up cutting the standpipe about 3/4" from the rubber and putting a CPVC cap on it, then drilling holes in the cap until I got to a drain equilibrium that matched the level I wanted. Not perfect but better than the taller standpipe.

One thing I learned in this process... I never realized there was an overflow drain on the aft wall of the forward livewell! Pretty embarrassing to admit given that this is my second PF TE! I just never looked under the lip of the livewell - and towards the stern!  

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