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Mangrove Snapper Questio


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Down for our annual vacation in Big Pine.  However, this year we are down later than normal and the mangrove snapper are not cooperating. We've tried our usual bridge spots and only had one fish and the cuda got him.  Not looking for spots but do I need to give up on the bridges or keep grinding it out. The old standby pin fish have fallen short. 


So do I need to go deeper due to water temps, head back into the gulf and look for cuts in the mangroves or stay my course? Any pointers from the mbg trust would be appreciated. 


On a report note, the shark population seems to be doing fair along with the cudas too.  And the weather is great, we went to Sombrero Light to snorkel today. Aside from the boat ramp looking antics we observed it was a great trip. 

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