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2600 TRS help needed


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First time poster here. I have a 2017 Pathfinder 2600TRS. My primary issue is with the center console. At the helm, there is an inset space for your feet and a storage compartment, all of which is part of a larger mold that attaches to the console by way of 8 wood screws. Pathfinder says these should have been bolted on.  The screws have backed out and the mold has come loose. I was planning on taking it to the local Pathfinder dealer for repairs, but they want it in today, and it will be there for the next couple weeks until they can get to it.  I want to use it over the 4th of July of course.  So, Im thinking of just repairing it myself. It seems like it would not be very difficult, except I cannot find access to the screw/bolt holes from inside the console.  I would like to remove the remaining screws and replace all of them with bolts, but again, there does not appear to be access to the back side of the screw/bolt holes.  Have any of y'all experienced this problem and if so, can you give me guidance?  If the answer is - take it to the dealer - so be it. But if there is something fairly simple I am missing I sure would appreciate the info, as I don't want to lose my boat over the Holiday.  I am ultimately going to have to take it in though, because this is only one of several issues I am having with the boat - for instance, the front spreader light is wired into the Nav light such that when you turn on the Nav lights, the front spreader light automatically comes on and cannot be independently turned off.  The front spreader light can be turned on without turning on the Nav lights, but you cannot turn off the front spreader, while the Nav lights are on, without turning off the Nav lights as well. The front spreader lights shining on the white bow blinds you at night.  Also, several of the clasps for the cushions on the bow have pulled through the bow storage compartments. Those too are inserted with screws. I have lost 4-5 of them already. All very frustrating considering I bought the boat new and it is only a couple of years old. I love my boat, but I expected a little more from Pathfinder.


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I have struggled with that console  insert on my 2200 TRS. I tried to put some backing material and using longer screws. I have one backed out now. I’m going to crawl into the console today and let someone poke a drill bit through and put in a machine screw and put a lock but on the inside 

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