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Resigning my commission in the Pathfinder Navy


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After more than 14 years as a very happy owner of a Pathfinder, the time has come for me to leave your ranks, and move on to a new adventure.... blue water sailing.   After much hesitation and some long discussions with my better half, we've agreed that two boats doesn't really make sense for us.  So she's for sale here (the boat, not my wife), and on a few other sites.

I can honestly say that our family trips on the Pathfinders were some of the best times we've had with the kids, family friends, and just with each other.   Those early mornings when I would be on the water by myself before daylight, stalking reds at low tide were just incredible memories that I will treasure always.

My heartfelt thanks to all of you here on the forum for all of your advice, helpful ideas, and friendship over the years.  I will miss you all.

So, if you're ever offshore, or in the ICW, and see a 35' Beneteau named "Delpinus",  stop by and say hi.  😉

Best of luck to all of you, 




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Congratulations, Dan !! 

It has been a pleasure having you with us !  Best of luck with the new mistress, and enjoy the total relaxation underway !!

You do know to install two good rodholders near the cockpit.. Always put out a couple of lures or feathers when you get past the reef..

Throw up some pics and don't be a stranger!


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