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Model history


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Been studying up on the MBG lines, well mainly Maverick and some Hewes. Trying to read others posts as they ask what model you guys think is best for them to consider.

Seems most hulls have had material changes at certain points and even some which morphed into different boats/lines. Be nice if there was a chart somewhere showing when the models had significant changes and what they were.  Then you could focus in on the years and models you wanted to pursue. Unfortunately there is no Used Boat Show to go see them all and try them out.

I'm totally stumped on bonefisher vs redfisher.  I have picked up on lappy hulls, which appear to have gone away around 2000.  I will second the opinion of many that I like that look.

I now understand the HPX series had a big change in 2009 at least in the 18. And I think I saw before that the HPX hull in certain sizes actually may have come from the Hewes line. 

Lot to figure out especially when someone says you need to look for X models, but then as you dig in, they often mean that model during certain years.  Then they will add but you could also look for a different model which is a variation of the hull or deck from the original model they suggested for you.  

Its seems the MA's and maybe the PFs have not changed as much over the years, at least the hulls.  But who knows maybe I am wrong about that?

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There is some sprinkling of the info in the individual sections but nothing really organized. I really wish MBC would take the time to help put all the info in one area, but I understand their focus is the new boats, not the old ones. However, Unless it comes from them or thier literature, it is really only speculation at best.... 

I can help some with the Hewes.  There are two main Lapstrake models. The Bonefisher and the Redfisher/Bayfisher. They were avail in 16', 18' and the redfisher/Bayfisher was avail in 19'. The bonefisher was one Lapstrake less (less freeboard in other words) lighter and meant to float little skinnier.  The redfisher and bayfisher were same hull the Bayfisher just offered with less options like no under gunnel carpet, courtesy letc and only available in white.  Most had C series motors, commercial Yamaha's without oil injection.  

At some point in 2000's the bonefisher became a Maverick HP-something and the rest of the Hewes lineup started looking like all the other flats boats on the water and I was sad.

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Justfish is on point with the Lappy's.  I've had a 16 bonefisher since 2005.  I was told it was one of three built in 2002....that was the last production year.  Will have a hard time ever parting with it after 12 years....she's become a good friend.  90 Yam 2 smoke, PT 4 blade pushes her 41+ just me and full fuel.  Can't comment on the redfisher.

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Well, I thought I'd at least put something out there to start with.  Not sure the format's quite right, but at least a start based on what I know from my two MAs, what I've heard of 21's, and a place for some Hewes.  If anyone posts information on this thread, I will add it to the spreadsheet.   Cool little project and may earn itself a sticky spot for posterior . . . er . . .posterity sake!

Maverick, Hewes, Pathy Model History.xlsx

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This is cool, but also think MBC should do it so we get it stright.

Im with Justfish, that the Lappy Bonefisher had one less strake, but I don't think the Bonefisher always had one less. Pretty sure all 3 models had the same hull, just different interior liners. Also I think the Bonefisher continued as a Lappy after the Redfisher went to the flat side, for another year or so. Then it became the predecessor to the HPX, before it became a Maverick. But really not too sure on any of this. 

Compare these two.


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Can tell you, in 2000 they changed the decks/liner to a new layout on the 18MA, and I believe in 2004 they used carbon in the liner and hatches with the same layout.. Also in 2003, they changed the deck/liner on the 17MA using carbon with a new layout.

Sometime in the late 80's early 90's they changed the transom, and got rid of the sponsons. Think at that time the also changed the front deck so it was flat. 

That all i got for now.

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Pathfinders are lil confusing as well

I'm pretty sure the 1810 turned into 1900 around 2000 are actually same boat.  They added the same rear drains that the other models have in 2003 which was last year for them I believe.

they also made a 1806 which was much narrower and didn't have rod lockers or rear deck. Not sure of years but it was original Pathfinder so I would guess early.

There are a few years of different models of the 22' when they made a V, tourney and XL model. About the same time they made a 19 and 21 pathfinder fusion. I have no idea of the years on any of those.





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7 hours ago, justfish said:

quote of the year in regard to the vintage "...and I was sad."

Well said Justfish!

And to add a little something constructive...the only change I know of to the 18.5 MA line was a deck layout change in maybe 1998. The cap was changed a bit and hatch config was changed. To my knowledge the hull remained the same, deadrise etc.


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Add on to the Bonefisher/Redfisher/Bayfisher...

The Bonefisher had a different console that was more flat on the top than the redfisher/Bayfisher console. In 98 when I bought my Bayfisher, I looked at both and was told the bonefisher draft a touch less (maybe and inch) and had a different console.

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1 hour ago, lurem said:

Add on to the Bonefisher/Redfisher/Bayfisher...

The Bonefisher had a different console that was more flat on the top than the redfisher/Bayfisher console. In 98 when I bought my Bayfisher, I looked at both and was told the bonefisher draft a touch less (maybe and inch) and had a different console.

Lurem, I'm fairly sure that the Bonefisher 16 never had a stepped transom (or transom pocket).  Did your Bayfisher 16 have a stepped transom?

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Whew - I have a lot of compiling!!  Keep it coming.  Open to suggestions, but here's what I'm planning to do:

Organize the spreadsheet better with tabs for each product line (17 MA, Hewes Bonefisher, etc).

Left column will list years down from whatever the earliest dates we need for that model.

Across the top, a column for Hull change notes, a column for cap changes, a column for options that may or may not have been chosen

A column that will indicate ("x") any years that represented significant hull/cap/design changes.

Anything else you can think of?

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22 hours ago, geeviam said:

Lurem, I'm fairly sure that the Bonefisher 16 never had a stepped transom (or transom pocket).  Did your Bayfisher 16 have a stepped transom?

No, it did not.

The Bayfisher also did not have a livewell pickup under the boat.
The pickup tube was located on the backside of the transom and would actually pull the water out of the livewell and drain it while running on plane. It was an easy fix with a angled tube or scoop mount to make it pickup water while on plane.

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See to me even if we don't get all the changes documented , just to know that the 2200V had material upgrades in 2002 is valuable info if you are searching for used boats.  For me, Id probably only search for 02 and newer if thats the case or at least want a bigger discount on an 01 and earlier.

Keep it coming, spoke to Whichwaysup last night and I think he will be a shoo-in when this is all finished and later MBG wants to hire a company Historian .......I bet that job pays almost nothing but has lots of time off!



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