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VHF - Fixed Mount or Handheld???


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Curious what the Forum braintrust thinks. I'm rarely more than 2-3 miles in the Gulf off of Marco (never more than 5) in my 22 Pathfinder. When inshore I'm 99% of the time between Goodland and Choko, mostly closer to Goodland.

Bottom line, it is very, very rare I don't have cell signal.

I know a fixed mount is "better." But, given my boating routine... I feel I'm safe with a quality handheld.

Agree or disagree?

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Just remember that a handheld radio puts out 6 watts while a fixed mount produces 25 watts.  And typically a fix mount antenna will be higher for better range.

My experience is a handheld will get you about 2-3 miles range, while a fix mount will get you 10-12 mile range.

The Coast Guard, uses a high antenna and more power, so often, you can get communications at a little longer range than the above.

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In the for what it's worth..in a canoe with a handheld (in other words no tall antenna) we had urgent situation..USCG picked up my handheld at roughly 20 mikes. Able to communicate and triangulate our position.   They have some very powerful equipment :)


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Thanks for the replies. After doing some research and hearing some the opinions here I decided to put a fixed mount VHF in the console (out of the way) and get a Shakespeare Stowaway emergency/temporary antenna: https://www.westmarine.com/buy/shakespeare--stowaway-emergency-vhf-antenna--519058?cm_mmc=PS-_-Google-_-GSC%20-%20Vendors-_-519058&product_id=519058&adpos=1o1&creative=108421556524&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=Cj0KCQjwv_fKBRCGARIsAL6R6egMO-K7BvF9ckXFjH20ILNzxTtCwgIPyziI0YAtw7LutnWSlo9pJvMaAiJYEALw_wcB 

I'll also continue to carry a handheld.

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